If you’re suffering with any health problems especially pain, fatigue, anxiety Ann is able to gently help, support, guide and reassure you. She has lived experience herself of health problems where she has learnt so much personally and, in many situations, I think this is the only way to really learn and understand some health difficulties and how they impact you, your life and the lives of your family and friends.
Ann has immense compassion, understanding & validation for her clients. Her passion, honesty and conviction for her work shine through at every turn. She provides a safe, trusting, empathetic space for her clients to express themselves freely, truthfully and openly together if they wish to – sharing experiences together with no pressure, no judgement and offering compassionate support and understanding to each other.
Ann understands how our physical and mental health are intertwined. Through her vast and thorough knowledge, experience and skills Ann is able to provide you with an extensive toolkit and many resources to help you manage and understand your health better on many levels. This can help to reduce a lot of the fears, worries and doubts we may have and enhance trust and connectedness to our bodies again and gives us hope for recovery in a safe, relaxed and positive way. This is all vital, life-changing and life-saving support which Ann delivers in a calm, kind and caring way. Ann’s yoga and meditation practices were very gentle and relaxing – soothing my mind and body. I felt connected to my body and very grounded afterwards.
The course has helped and reassured me tremendously. I now fully understand what happened and why to me and how my body and mind unconsciously took me over to keep me ‘safe’, when I had a long bout of severe back pain. This has helped me to feel safer, more confident and relaxed in uncertainty, of all kinds, to trust my body and be compassionate, patient, loving and kind towards myself. It has been amazing to be part of a group of like-minded, compassionate, caring, experienced people who understand you, validate you and just ‘get you.’ I’ve felt a great sense of belonging, relief and safety from the group.
I’m so grateful and lucky to have received the care and guidance of some very compassionate, experienced and knowledgeable professionals during my recovery who knew how to help me. Finding the right type of supportive health professional for you can be vital, it’s important for people to know that there are healthcare professionals who can help. We are so lucky to have people like Ann in this world.